Eurochem Engineering is your safe path from the Lab to the Process

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What we do

The main activities of Eurochem Engineering srl are in the following fields:


  • Industrial Chemistry Consultancy to Chemical and Chemical Engineering Companies for:

Improvement of the performances of operating plants to eliminate bottlenecks, reduce costs and protect the environment.

Optimization of the process management to improve the quality of the products and increase the operation safety.

Organization of the scientific and technological research on subjects of interest for the customers.

Assistance to small, medium industrial chemistry enterprises in writing research plans for funds application.

Training of the personnel involved in research and development activities of industrial chemistry companies.


  • Designing and building automated mini-pilot plants on a laboratory scale:

Development of new products.

Development of new processes.

Study of an already existing process in a pilot plant with the aim to improve it.

Moving production from batch to continuous unit operations.

Assistance to small, medium industrial chemistry companies in elaborating and editing patents on new products or processes.


  • From the laboratory to the industrial plant.

Assistance in process scale-up with the partnership of well reputed Engineering Companies.


  • Advanced training. Organization of Seminars, Meetings, Intensive courses on Kinetics, Catalysis, Reactor Design and Simulation , Separation Science.